Art Lessons
[NE Indianapolis]
Adult Private Painting Lesson/Mentoring (16+)
You purchase your own supplies. I will provide reference materials, worksheets, and pep talks! Lessons can be scheduled to last1-3 hours)
1 student - $70 per hr
2 students - $40 per hr
3-5 students - $30 per hr
Youth Art Lessons
Students (Ages 5-15)
Lesson Electives: Painting, Collage, Drawing, Sewing, Embroidery, Quilting.
1 student - $50 per session
2 students - $30 per session
3-5 students- $20 per session
Daytime Availability: Wed, Thurs, Friday
Evening Availability: Mon, Thurs
Lessons take place at my home studio (NE Indy) or I can come to you for an additional charge, depending on the distance between us. :)

Painting Resource
I thought it would be fun to share with you one of the painting resources that I created for my 'Brave Brush' painting workshop.
Simply use this reference sheet as a springboard to create something based on that image. How closely you follow that reference prompt is completely up to you...and use whatever materials you want! It will be fun to see how from a shared starting point, many different 'takes' can result!​
If you post what you created on your social media, I'd love for you to use this hashtag (FB, IG):

Value Value!
If you attend a painting class and the instructor doesn't stress the importance of value (meaning the lights and darks of a painting), please run to the high hills! Seriously, this is key! Most of us are drawn to painting because is LOVE COLOR. If you're familiar with my work, then you know that's definitely true of me! I also am completely enamored with brushwork/style! But if a painting doesn't 'read well' as a black and white image, then you've just wasted a bunch of time. That value structure is the skeleton (or maybe I should say a building's strong foundation?) that color and fun brushwork can hang on! ​
If you're scratching your head about what 'value' is and why it's so important, it's absolutely worth digging into! Lots of great art books and instructional videos out there! In-person classes are amazing too! My top book recommendations for painting: Daily Painting, by Carol Marine and Dynamic Still Life for Artists by Sarah Sedwick.​